Tyler & Megan's Measurements for Clothing/Shoes

Clothes in 3T size. Socks 3-4 years size at The Children's Place, our favorite sock style.
Clothes in 12 months for current, 12 to 18 months for summer in '09.
Megan's socks are currently 12-24 month size. She has big feet like her brother.
(Here is Tyler at the Brookfield Zoo dolphin house, measuring up against a baby dolphin!)
The kids are really okay right now with clothes! We always run out of socks, for some reason. We love socks! Prefer those with cuffs. Super thick socks for winter are mysteriously hard to find, so those make great stocking stuffers! Ha ha!
We really really appreciate gift certificates to Stride Rite for shoes and The Children's Place for clothes and socks. We love their socks there.
We're trying to avoid gendered clothes to a certain degree, but Tyler loves cars and trucks on this clothes. Clothes that break the stereotype, such as pink/red/orange for Tyler that are not "girlish" are welcome, and Megan is heavenly is purple and baby blue. Elmo, Thomas, anything Cars theme or construction trucks or fire trucks on clothes are especially appreciated by Tyler!
Bibs always appreciated (Bumkins or Kushies for instance) in toddler size. soft cloth bibs for Megan.
Kissaluvs Super Soaker Doubler diaper liners. Plastic diaper cover/pants for 3T or 3 months sizes. Bumkins has fun patterned ones. Bummis has white. Gerber can be found in stores (bigger BRUs) in white.
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Tyler's shoe size is 9.5 wide now and should be 10 this summer/fall '09. We prefer Stride Rite.
Megan has been hard to size. In Robeez, which is what she wears now, she is a size 12-18 months, with room to grow. She could use some winter boots as she's walking and wants to be put down outside. I think that otherwise she's a size 5.

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