Mom-Mom's Wish List for Megan

Winter clothes in 12 months sizes. Fleece and terry-cloth footed jammies especially.
Socks, socks, socks! With cuffs preferred, bigger than you think they should be. 12-to-24 month size for socks.
Spring and summer clothes in 12 to 18 month size, or whatever size in next up from 12 months in the store.
Megan has all of Tyler's old toys to play with. She already has a doll. She's really set!
She is very agile with fine motor skills and loves to put things into other things. Shape sorters--altho she's inherited two from Tyler, toys with balls that fit inside things or roll down chutes--tho she has a penguin ball plume already, toys that play music when you push certain buttons or sing or talk.
Things she can chew, too, that's pretty big as she's teething right now.
Hats she can put on and take off, she's into that lately. Scarves she can grab and pull over her head and walk around with. She loves to do that with whatever she can find in the clean laundry baskets. Pop necklaces she can manipulate and wear around her shoulders too might be fun for her.
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